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Q: What kind of questions can I ask?

Any! Whichever grade you are in, we will try our best to answer your question. 

Whether it is about IB, HS, or just general questions about school, feel free to ask as all questions will remain anonymous :)

If you want to ask more personal questions, you can always mention them in your question along with an email address.  We will mail you directly and help you answer your question. 

All submitted questions are anonymous, unless given an email address, we will be answering the questions and updating every Tuesday.


So make sure to check the website every Tuesday! 

Q: What should I do to prepare for IB during the summer

It is really hard to motivate yourself to prepare, but it is much easier if you have a kick start. 

  1. Start learning the materials with the IB syllabus while reviewing what you have learned in 10th grade

  2. Get into a productive study habit 

  3. Fix your sleep schedule (start sleeping before 12) 

  4. Spend some time with your friends (enjoy when you can)

Q: Which HLs should I take?

There are so many different combinations but the key thing would be 


  • Your HLs will challenge you a lot and if you are choosing them just because it sounds "good" or most of your friends chose it, you will regret it after the first few weeks

  • If you are looking into US schools, your HLs will not significantly impact college apps. If its countries such as the UK or if the major you are interested in requires subjects, take them.

  • You will still be able to switch around in your first weeks so don't be too scared of choosing the "wrong" subject. 

- For more info, sign up for a study group program! (Learn More)

Q: Is HS very different from MS?


But you don't have to be scared or worried. You will be pushed with more work and often more pressure. You will eventually get used to it but there are ways to adjust better.

So a word of advice, 

get used to actually planning out your work over the week and get into a good study habit to slowly prepare yourself for the weeks with endless SUMs

Q: How is SL English different to HL?

"HL and SL English are not too different: you will have to read a few more novels (compared to SL) and write an essay about one of the novels that you read over the IB course in HL. Usually, HL students are assigned more homework compared to SL but the difference in workload is not significant. For example, this year, juniors have to read short excerpts and essays and HL may have to answer more questions than SL – with additional activities from time to time. Mark bands are also a bit different from HL and SL as SL mark bands are more lenient "- Current Juniors

Additional response from the IB Literature Teacher

 "SL reads fewer works, has a more generous grade boundary, and only has the IO oral. HL reads more works, has a stricter grade boundary, and must submit an essay in addition to the IO. The exams are longer at HL."

*IO: Internal Oral Assessment 

Q: What do students learn in IB Psychology?

This is a response we got from our current juniors;

Students in Psychology are expected to learn about different aspects (societal, cultural, biological, etc) in the study of human behavior. Mostly, the course will expect you to learn how to write the information above in questions that ask you to explain or evaluate different studies, their methodology, and ethical considerations. The course will require memorization of studies that previous researchers have done. 

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